Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Few Words - In Thinking of Zhu Chengzhi
Dec. 19, 2012  @Arundahti

It has been 194 days since Zhu Chengzhi was detained by the police in Hunan Province China. His “crime” was to upload several photos and videos of his late friend who died in a suspicious way. Days ago, people in twitter said Mr. Zhu was expected to be released on Dec. 15, 2012. I checked daily and he was still detained and people are calling for his release daily.

In the past 194 days, many things happened in the world. Mr. Obama got re-elected; Mo Yan won Nobel literature prize and Tibet continues burning.

If it seems that ordinary people’s attention shifted along the news, these few words I am writing is to say: No. We cannot forget all these righteous people.  

People such as Zhu Chengzhi, Hu Jia, Ai Weiwei, Liao Yiwu (and the list can go long)  are the conscience of China. Some call them “dissidents” which I completely disagree. These are the best of the people who stand for courage, morality and everything that should be mainstream values.

Ordinary people like me can get intimidated easily. If I sense any danger, my instinct is to disappear and to hide somewhere. I often excuse my cowardliness by providing myself numerous justifications. And the number 1 justification is: look, how cruel the regime treated people. Accounts of the brutal treatment of female prisoners in culture revolution made me puke. Solzhenitsyn said: the soviets rule the society by two measures: violence and lies. When lies were no longer effective, people see only violence, ugly violence.

And there is no 2 justification: there are many people around. Other people are more brave and more powerful. Let’s wait for them and give support.

So I pass my days with such thoughts in my mind and shift my attention and explore new interests. Yet, there is deep guilt and fear for their wellness: we cannot lose these people. They are like our fathers and our brothers. If we let this happen, what are we? What is the meaning of our life? To be completely devoid of meaning, to count how much money, how many houses you can own, or to see how many women or men you can attract? Will this be a good life in America? Maybe, it is a “good” life. But it is a life with phantom. We do not have souls.

Just look at Mo Yan. What a miserable creature. What is he afraid of? He has won Nobel Prize and he has certain freedom to say things and do things. But now look at him, in his fat shapeless body hides a timid little serf without dignity -- and he delivered a speech: I want to tell stories. What kind of stories can a man without any courage tell?! Lust, violence, lust lust,  violence violence in some fictitious world. That is all this eunuch can tell.

Do we want to be Mo Yan? Certainly not.

Or do we want to be consumed by guilt for not speaking out or thinking about people we respect?

Therefore we all face these choices: to be a person we despise, to be silent and suffer guilt and suffer depression. Or to voice our concern and show our solidarity with these “dissidents”.

I have no choice but solidarity with these “dissidents” - the best of the best.

Free all these people - the conscience of China.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


(博讯北京时间2012年9月22日 来稿)






  自湖南工運領袖李旺陽於6月6日在醫院「被自殺」後,妹妹李旺玲、趙寶珠夫婦,好友朱承志等「被失蹤」,甚至被無理檢控。此外,邵陽市公安局就李旺陽事件第一次提交的調查結果存在重大漏洞。湖南省政府雖就李旺陽的死亡再展開獨立調查,但省政府於7月12日發表的聯合調查報告並不能解釋李旺陽死亡的各個疑點。支聯會委託澳洲蒙特許大學(Monash University)法醫學教授Stephen Cordner審閱李旺陽驗屍報告的回應報告中亦指出,湖南省政府的調查根本不符合國際司法鑑定標準。湖南政府的報告並沒有提供足夠資料證明李旺陽自殺,而Cordner教授亦指出吊頸自殺而導致頸椎斷裂的機會極微。



聯署申訴書之團體/ 人士

1. 工黨立法會議員何秀蘭(1998-2004年,2008年 - )
2. 民主黨立法會議員劉慧卿太平紳士(1991-1997年,1998年 - )
3. 民主黨立法會議員何俊仁(1995-1997年,1998年 - )
4. 工黨立法會議員李卓人(1995-1997年,1998年 - )
5. 資深大律師、公民黨立法會議員梁家傑(2004年 - )
6. 社會民主連線立法會議員梁國雄(2004 - )
7. 街坊工友服務處立法會議員梁耀忠(1995-1997年,1998年 - )
8. 資深大律師、公民黨立法會議員湯家驊(2004年- )
9. 民主黨立法會議員涂謹申(1991-1997年,1998年 - )

1. 大律師、公民黨前立法會議員陳淑莊(2008-2012年)
2. 民主黨前立法會議員張文光(1991-1997年,1998-2012年)
3. 資深大律師、公民黨前立法會議員余若薇太平紳士(2000-2012年)
4. 資深大律師、民主黨創黨主席、前立法會議員李柱銘1985 - 2008(除1998年)
5. 大律師、公民黨前立法會議員吳靄儀(1995-1997年,1998-2012年)
6. 獨立中文筆會總幹事潘嘉偉

1. 中國維權律師關注組
2. 民間人權陣線
3. 香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會
4. 天安門母親運動


1. 聖十字架堂社會關注組
2. 香港天主教勞工事務委員會
3. 香港基督徒學會
4. 香港天主教正義和平委員會
5. 聖安德肋堂社會關注組
6. 露德聖母堂關社組
7. 紅磡聖母堂社會關注組
8. 聖方濟堂社會關注組
9. 香港天主教團體支援中國愛國民主運動聯合會
Twitter / Buzz: HKA1989


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

《明報》旺陽家人﹕從未同意自殺論 否認簽驗屍報告 專家﹕證辭可翻案





從沒參與調查 沒聽過《聯合報告》





公安每日家訪 當地盤散工糊口












Thursday, September 6, 2012








Tuesday, August 28, 2012






Monday, August 27, 2012

吴华英 ‏@xinceng34:朱承志,回家!肖勇,回家!






Friday, August 24, 2012

《美国之音》海外法醫專家稱李旺陽死因存疑點 (via @debbycsw)

(编者:自 Debby Chan 陳詩韻 @debbycsw 推文 ..)


譚嘉琪, 鄭鈴渝, 黎堡 08.23.2012

香港 - 受民運團體香港支聯會委託的一位海外法醫專家説,中國湖南當局早前對民運人士李旺陽離奇死亡作出的死因調查報告存在多項疑點。

許多香港人不接受官方稱李旺陽今年六月初自殺身亡的説法。中國官方發表死因報告後,香港支聯會委託澳大利亞莫納什大學(Monash University)法醫教授史提芬.科德納(Stephen Cordner)審閱這份報告,希望海外專家能提供獨立的意見。


科德納曾嘗試根據大陸官方的報告和親屬所拍下的三張照片作出研究,他引述學術資料表示,自殺時雙腳可以不離地,跟親屬所拍到的現象類同 。不過, 他認為單靠照片不能作準確的結論。

大陸官方法醫報告指,李旺陽是因為自殺而使得頸椎斷裂。不過,法醫科德納認為這種情況比較罕見。再者,科德納質疑當局判斷李旺陽是從床上跳下去自殺的説法 。科德納解釋,過程中李旺陽的拖鞋並沒有掉下,而臉和腳也沒有明顯的傷痕。

科德納表示,由於沒有多角度拍攝案發現場的照片和完整的驗屍報告, 無法確定李旺陽是否自殺。他又批評湖南當局沒有向家屬提供驗屍報告的做法不符合國際標準,建議當局讓家屬復核有關報告。




Thursday, August 23, 2012


















8月9日,有媒体电话采访我,说是承志被逮捕了;逮捕时间是7月25日。问我对此有何看法?我闻之大怒,因没有事先没有掌握情况,不好擅自发表意见,于是“审慎”地说:“需要看起诉意见书(如有)和当局掌握的‘证据’才能判断;在我看来,承志行为不会构成犯罪。” 说这番话的同时,我心里一遍又一遍地对自己大声说:承志无罪!承志无罪!不想外交辞令,我要发出声音。


















































《自由亚洲》湖南邵阳临时工执法 罚款可提八成






“这种事情在中国相当普遍,尤其是在中小城市都是作为一种他们临时要保自己的急救方法,一般来讲就是要把这些临时人员、正规人员把他装扮成执法人员,然后到处罚款,有的是罚个人,有的是罚商铺,提成40、50、60 的都有。”








“如果政府很有信誉的话市民会形成自卫队、纠察队不要一分钱。以前的那种小脚老太太很多都是不拿钱的。现在让利让到80% 的话,人心已经失去了。必须让出大部分利益来雇佣几个街头流氓式的人物来帮助维持秩序。你从它这个组织结构就可以看出来这些人,不会上缴20%,最多可能上缴10%,没有监督,就凭自己予取予求得到的,他干嘛要上缴呢?”




Tuesday, August 21, 2012

苏雨桐 @Suyutong 部分推文 —— 自由承志!

(编者注:如果你不知道 苏雨桐 那可就没与时俱进了~ 自从 朱承志李旺阳死亡 寻找真相,失去自由后,雨桐就在每天公开呼吁,像她这样的关注者有一大群;他们/她们 在为中国公民社会孕育和发展做出了自己的贡献!)

苏雨桐 Suyutong ‏@Suyutong 在推特

Monday, August 20, 2012


2012年8月16日 星期四








第一, 湖南邵阳地方当局必须无条件地释放朱承志先生,并保证老人的生命安全和身体健康!

第二, 湖南省当局必须督责邵阳地方当局迅速释放朱承志先生,并给老人以政府的歉意和赔偿!

第三, 鉴于湖南省内最近以来所不断发生的恶性案件(包括李旺阳被自杀事件、朱承志被捕事件以及唐慧被劳教案等等),建议执政党中央严肃整顿湖南吏治,还李旺阳先生死亡真相,还朱承志老人以自由,并严肃追究“始作俑者”及其帮凶的一切法律责任和道义责任!




2012年8月20日 星期一







Saturday, August 18, 2012

Re-post from Helena @hlkalin (Zhu Chengzhi is punished because of Li Wangyang - The Guardian)

China accused of crackdown on family and friends of dead activist

Li Wangyang's friend arrested as punishment for questioning suspicious circumstance of death, human rights groups say

Tania Branigan in Beijing, Friday 17 August 2012 10.34 EDT

Li Wangyang's death led to protests in Hong Kong. Relatives and friends say the veteran Chinese activists was too frail to hang himself. Photograph: Vincent Yu/AP

Human rights groups have warned of a crackdown on relatives and friends of a veteran Chinese activists who questioned his strange death, after one was arrested for inciting subversion of state power.

They believe Zhu Chengzhi is being punished for flagging the suspicious circumstances of his friend Li Wangyang's death.

Li was found dead in his hospital room in June, two days after the anniversary of the bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989. He had served more than two decades in jail for his role in campaigning for workers' rights before he was released last year.

Officials in Shaoyang, Hunan province, initially said he had killed himself, but later described his death as an accident.

Police promised to investigate after thousands signed an online petition and tens of thousands demonstrated in Hong Kong, but concluded again that it was suicide.

Relatives and friends said Li showed no signs he was suicidal, that his feet were on the floor when he was found and that they believed him physically incapable of hanging himself because of his poor health.

"In the early stages, when Hunan provincial authorities agreed to conduct an investigation and make public their findings, we were somewhat encouraged. [Now they have] resorted to the same old tactics of closing the case by trampling on the rights of the family and others," said Catherine Baber, director of Amnesty International's Asia-Pacific programme.

"This is a horrific case. After two decades in prison, Li Wangyang was left with his health devastated. He died in highly suspicious circumstances under state care. For his family to disappear and now for his friend to be prosecuted, it appears as a whistleblower, is truly shocking."

Friends have been unable to contact Li's sister and brother-in-law since shortly after his death. Officials have said the couple have chosen not to speak to people. Other activists were detained.

"Zhu's arrest has ripped away any remaining pretence of official justice for Li. Instead of launching a 'transparent' inquiry as the government had originally promised, it has gone after Li's family and friends, silencing and punishing them," said Wang Songlian of the Chinese Human Rights Defenders Network (CHRD).

Zhu was first held in June, but his wife has now been told he has been formally arrested. Inciting subversion of state power, a charge often used against activists and dissidents, carries a jail term of up to 15 years, although in practice sentences rarely exceed 10 years.

CHRD said Zhu is held at the Shaoyang city detention centre, where phone calls rang unanswered. Police referred queries to a number that was out of service.

One account suggested Zhu was arrested because he took pictures of the death scene and shared them online.

The South China Morning Post, quoting another activist, said Zhu was initially detained because he refused to sign a statement disowning comments he made questioning the official account of Li's death.

Immediately after his friend died, he told the Hong Kong newspaper: "I simply don't think it was a suicide because Li was the kind of guy who would never commit suicide, even if a knife was held against his neck."


Thursday, August 16, 2012

《自由亚洲》劳教案例增多引来废除声 律师上书揭开黑暗面









劳动教养并非《中华人民共和国刑法》规定的刑罚,而是法律及行政法规规定的一种行政处罚,公安机关毋须经法院审讯定罪,即可将疑犯投入劳教场所,实行最高期限为四年的限制人身自由、强迫劳动、思想教育等措施。而按照中国《宪法》第三十七条: 中华人民共和国公民的人身自由不受侵犯。










China Digital Times: Police Charge Activist Who Cast Doubt on Suicide

A friend of pro-democracy activist Li Wangyang who challenged a police finding that Li committed suicide in a hospital has been formally arrested by police on subversion charges, according to a police document and a fellow activist.
Zhu Chengzhi, 62, was charged with “inciting subversion of state power” by police in Shaoyang, Hunan, according to an official document posted online. The police document, dated July 25, said he is being held at the Shaoyang police detention centre.
[...]The formal arrest of Zhu, the first of about a dozen of Li’s associates who have spoken out about his suspicious death, has sparked fears that the others could face the same fate. Many are being held in police detention or are under house arrest.
[...]Zhu, who went to school with Li, met Li for the last time on June 4 and told the South China Morning Post on the day Li died: “I simply don’t think it was a suicide because Li was the kind of guy who would never commit suicide, even if a knife was held against his neck.”
Zhu was among the first to dispute the claim that Li committed suicide by hanging himself from the bars of a hospital window. He videotaped Li’s body before it was removed, showing his feet were touching the floor and there was a strip of cloth around his neck, raising suspicions about it being suicide.
Amnesty International says Zhu was taken away by Daxiang district police on June 9. His wife, Zeng Qinglian, next day received a notice from authorities to say Zhu was to serve 10 days’ administrative detention for disrupting public order and would be released on June 18.
She believed that Zhu was detained for refusing to sign an undertaking not to call for an independent investigation into Li’s death.
On June 18, rather than being released Zhu was transferred to a detention center in Shuangqing district in Hunan, though he had not been charged.
Another article from The Standard reports on Hong Kong-based protests over Zhu’s arrest:
Dozens rallied outside the central government liaison office yesterday to protest at the arrest of activist Zhu Chengzhi.
[...]Chanting and carrying banners, the activists marched from Western police station.
[...]The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, which organized the rally, urged Beijing to release Zhu and another rights activist, Xiao Yong, who was last month sentenced to 1 years of .
[...]Suspicion over Li’s death sent tens of thousands of Hong Kong people to the streets in June.
In July, activist Xiao Yong was sentenced without trial to labor re-education for contesting official conduct in the case of Li Wangyang. Re-education through labor is a common fate for  and activists in China, and a disciplinary practice that recently sparked online debate after the mother of a rape victim was sent to a labor camp for challenging court rulings in her daughter’s case (the mother has since been released).
The website Free Hongzhi has been rallying for the detained activist’s freedom since his initial detainment in June. Also see a recent post for Global Voices, in which Oiwan Lam translates netizen commentary and support for Zhu from Weibo and Twitter.

SCMP: Police charge activist who cast doubt on suicide

Verna Yu 
Aug 10, 2012

A friend of pro-democracy activist Li Wangyang who challenged a police finding that Li committed suicide in a hospital has been formally arrested by police on subversion charges, according to a police document and a fellow activist.

Zhu Chengzhi, 62, was charged with "inciting subversion of state power" by police in Shaoyang, Hunan, according to an official document posted online. The police document, dated July 25, said he is being held at the Shaoyang police detention centre.

Zhu's wife could not be reached for comment yesterday but fellow activist Wang Lihong, who spoke to her a few days ago, confirmed the authenticity of the document. Formal arrest is often the first step towards prosecution.

The formal arrest of Zhu, the first of about a dozen of Li's associates who have spoken out about his suspicious death, has sparked fears that the others could face the same fate. Many are being held in police detention or are under house arrest.

Li, 62 - a nearly blind and deaf dissident who served a total of 21 years behind bars for his activism in Hunan in support of the Tiananmen pro-democracy movement in 1989 - was found dead in a hospital ward in Shaoyang on June 6, four days after Hong Kong Cable Television broadcast a defiant interview with the labour activist.

His family and friends - including Zhu - have refused to accept the police explanation that he hanged himself in his hospital ward. His death came two days after the 23rd anniversary of the June 4 crackdown.

The Communist Party's top official in Hunan, Zhou Qiang, insisted Li's apparent suicide was "crystal clear with verified evidence".

Wang said local officials bore a grudge against Zhu because he filmed the scene of Li's suspicious death at the hospital ward and posted the video online.

Zhu, who went to school with Li, met Li for the last time on June 4 and told the South China Morning Post on the day Li died: "I simply don't think it was a suicide because Li was the kind of guy who would never commit suicide, even if a knife was held against his neck."

Wang said police ordered Zhu to serve 10 days of administrative detention from June 8 and he was then taken into the Shaoyang police detention centre for "criminal detention".

She said Zhu was initially detained because he refused to sign a statement disowning statements he made to the media that cast doubt on the official version of Li's death.

Calls to Shaoyang's Public Security Bureau and the police detention centre went unanswered yesterday.

"It's a made-up charge, everyone is suspicious about Li's death, [the police] are just taking it out on Zhu," she said. Wang herself is under surveillance.

Wang Songlian, a researcher at Chinese Human Rights Defenders, said: "Instead of launching a [more thorough] investigation into the death, the authorities are going after his family and friends - this case is emblematic of the deteriorating state of China's human rights."

Additional reporting by Laura Zhou

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Front Line Defenders: Mr. Zhu Chengzhi

China: Charge of 'inciting subversion of state power' brought against human rights defender Mr Zhu Chengzhi

Posted 2012/8/13

Zhu Chengzhi

On 9 August 2012, the wife of human rights defender Mr Zhu Chengzhi, received official notice from the authorities in Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, that her husband was being charged with 'inciting subversion of state power'

It is thought that the charges relate to Zhu Chengzhi's questioning of the official version of events regarding the death of his friend and fellow human rights defender Mr Li Wangyang in June 2012. Zhu Chengzhi is reportedly being held incommunicado in a detention centre in Shuangqing District, Shaoyang City.

Death of Li Wangyang

Following the death of Li Wangyang in a hospital in Shaoyang City on 6 June 2012, Zhu Chengzhi circulated photographs online which called into question the official explanation of Li Wangyang's death as suicide. The photographs showed Li Wangyang's body with his feet planted on the ground and his face free from any signs of distortion, with a piece of cloth slung around his neck and tied to the window. Li Wangyang was in very poor health at the time of his death, and in addition to Zhu Chengzhi, his family questioned how Li Wangyang, who had difficulty walking, would be able to hang himself.

Administrative Detention

On 9 June 2012 Zhu Chengzhi was detained by police in Shaoyang City after reportedly refusing to sign a document guaranteeing he would stop questioning the causes of Li Wangyang's death. Zhu Chengzhi was sentenced to a ten day period of administrative detention for 'disrupting social order'. On 18 June 2012, the date he was due to be released, authorities informed Zhu Chengzhi's family that he had been transferred to a detention centre while his case was investigated further. He has remained in detention since then. The new charges of 'inciting subversion of state power' reflect an escalation in the seriousness with which the authorities are treating his case.

Front Line Defenders believes that the detention of Zhu Chengzhi and the charge being brought against him are directly linked to his legitimate human rights work, particularly his efforts to establish the cause of Li Wangyang's death.



香港支聯會 812 抗議相冊

32幅照片,自香港支聯會 picasaweb 相冊

Monday, August 13, 2012



作者:佚名 文章来源:支联会 更新时间:2012/8/12




此外,第一手发布李旺阳「被自杀」死亡图片的62 岁朱承志也被当局於7 月25 日以涉嫌「煽动颠覆国家政权」罪名递捕,现羁押在邵阳市看守所。朱承志追寻李旺阳死因,拍几张相片,却变成「煽动颠覆国家政权」被捕。这个国家如此虚怯,担心十三亿分之一国民的死亡真相会动摇政权,更反映湖南的所谓验屍调查站不住脚。朱承志拒写不再关注李旺阳的死因保证书,又不肯推翻自己对李旺阳「被自杀」的质疑而改口支持官方的「李旺阳自杀论」,支联会担心朱承志因此会被重判。





Twitter / Buzz: HKA1989


The Standard: Rally awards `gold medals' in abuse

Kelly Ip

Monday, August 13, 2012

Dozens rallied outside the central government liaison office yesterday to protest at the arrest of activist Zhu Chengzhi.

Zhu was a close friend of democracy activist and labor rights champion Li Wangyang, who is said to have committed suicide on June 6.

Chanting and carrying banners, the activists marched from Western police station.

Taking advantage of the Olympics mood, some stuck plastic "gold medals" outside the office, suggesting that mainland authorities are champions when it comes to suppressing human rights activists.

Police kept a close watch on protesters, and officers on several occasions warned them not to try climbing the iron gate at the liaison office.

Zhu is now under arrest in Shaoyang, Hunan, on a charge of instigating subversion in an attempt to topple the government. Such a serious charge may lead to a long spell in prison.

The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, which organized the rally, urged Beijing to release Zhu and another rights activist, Xiao Yong, who was last month sentenced to 1 years of labor re-education.

They also demanded that authorities stop monitoring members of Li's family.

Protesters said blame for attempting to topple the government should instead be pinned on Shaoyang police for producing faked investigation reports and arresting rights activists.

Findings were that the near-blind Li, 62, hanged himself in a Shaoyang hospital room, and that was upheld by a review of the case in July.

If the suicide finding was true, protesters argued yesterday, there was no reason as to why Li's family should be incommunicado so long after his death.

Zhu, also 62, was among the first to dispute the claim Li committed suicide. He videotaped and took pictures of Li before his body was taken from the hospital. It showed Li's feet on the floor and a strip of cloth around his neck attached to a window bar.

Soon after that action Zhu was placed under administrative detention for 10 days for disrupting social order. He reportedly refused to sign a document promising not to question the circumstances surrounding Li's death. He has been held since then.

Suspicion over Li's death sent tens of thousands of Hong Kong people to the streets in June.


UCA news: Activist indicted for subversion

Activist indicted for subversion

Zhu Chengzhi charged after raising questions over friend's death reporter, Hong Kong
August 9, 2012

Hunan human rights activist Zhu Chengzhi

Police have arrested and charged Zhu Chengzhi, a friend and supporter of deceased labor unionist Li Wangyang, with inciting subversion of state power, according to a national human rights group.

The Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) said today that it had received a copy of the indictment against Zhu Chengzhi, issued by the Shaoyang City Public Security Bureau on July 25.

Zhu Chengzhi, from Hunan province, is being held at a detention center in Shaoyang, according to CHRD.

Zhu used his Twitter account to spread news of the death of Li, who was found hanging from the bars of a hospital room window on June 6.

The circumstances of his death remain unclear. Authorities pronounced the cause of death as suicide after a two-week investigation by the Hunan Provincial Security Bureau.

Zhu and others have been outspoken in saying that suicide was an unlikely explanation for the unionist’s death.

Doriane Lau of the Hong Kong-based Chinese Human Rights Lawyer Concern Group said today that it was common for authorities to use the charge of subversion to suppress political dissidents.

“Apparently the government wants revenge against Zhu and to send a warning to other dissidents,” she said.

“Authorities may suppose that [Zhu] was the one who brought the incident to the attention of the international community. That’s why he was given such a heavy charge.”

The CHRD said Zhu was given a 10-day administrative detention on June 9 for “disrupting public order” after questioning the cause of Li’s death.

Zhu’s wife was subsequently told by security officers that he would continue to be under surveillance and would be held for further investigation, CHRD said.

He remained in custody and his whereabouts were unknown until the indictment was made public.

Other supporters of Li have come under scrutiny by security officials.

Activist Xiao Yong was sentenced to 18 months of re-education in a labor camp last month, and his lawyer was reportedly pressured by local authorities to give up his defense of Xiao.

Meanwhile, some of Li’s family members and other activists who questioned the circumstances of his death have been summoned by police or put under house arrest.

Lau urged the Shaoyang government to release these persons who have been illegally detained.

“They have done nothing wrong. They merely demanded that authorities be fair and just handling the investigation of Li’s death.”

Or Yan-yan of Hong Kong diocese’s Justice and Peace Commission criticized the Chinese government for ignoring the rule of law and prosecuting its people on groundless charges.

“It makes me feel suffocated when considering that internal power struggles result in the sacrifice of people’s benefits,” she said.


Sunday, August 12, 2012






  此外,第一手發布李旺陽「被自殺」死亡圖片的62 歲朱承志也被當局於7 月25 日以涉嫌「煽動顛覆國家政權」罪名遞捕,現羈押在邵陽市看守所。朱承志追尋李旺陽死因,拍幾張相片,卻變成「煽動顛覆國家政權」被捕。這個國家如此虛怯,擔心十三億分之一國民的死亡真相會動搖政權,更反映湖南的所謂驗屍調查站不住腳。朱承志拒寫不再關注李旺陽的死因保證書,又不肯推翻自己對李旺陽「被自殺」的質疑而改口支持官方的「李旺陽自殺論」,支聯會擔心朱承志因此會被重判。





Twitter / Buzz: HKA1989




Further information on UA: 191/12 Index: ASA 17/028/2012 China Date: 10 August 2012
Zhu Chengzhi, a 62 year-old human rights activist, has been formally charged with ‘inciting subversion of state power’ after being detained on 9 June. On 18 June, he was transferred to a detention facility in Hunan province, south-central China, where is being held incommunicado.
On 9 August, Zhu Chengzhi’s wife, Zeng Jinlian, received a notice from the Shaoyang City People’s Procuratorate stating that Zhu Chengzhi has been officially charged with ‘inciting subversion of state power’. Zhu Chengzhi was taken away by national security personnel in Shaoyang city on 9 June and was sentenced to administrative detention for 10 days. While his family was anticipating his release, on 18 June, he was transferred to a detention facility in Shuangqing District, Shaoyang city, Hunan province and has since been held incommunicado. As no-one has heard from him since 9 June, his health condition is unknown.
According to Zhu Chengzhi’s friend and fellow activist, Wang Lihong, the reason why Zhu Chengzhi was charged with ‘inciting subversion of state power’ is because he was found taking pictures at the scene of Li Wangyang’s death and was disseminating those pictures through the internet. Li Wangyang was a prominent dissident who was found dead on 6 June in a hospital in Daxiang district in Shaoyang city, Hunan province, where he was receiving treatment. The local authorities maintain that Li Wangyang’s death was a suicide.The circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear. On 11 June, tens of thousands of protestors took to the streets in Hong Kong to demand a formal investigation into the circumstances of Li Wangyang’s death.
Please write immediately in English, Chinese or your own language:
Calling on the authorities to drop the charge against Zhu Chengzhi and release him immediately and unconditionally;
Calling on the authorities to ensure that Zhu Chengzhi is not subjected to torture or other ill-treatment while in custody;
Calling on the authorities to ensure Zhu Chengzhi has access to his family, legal representation of his choosing and any medical attention he may require.
Chief Procurator
GONG Jiahe
Hunan Provincial People’s Procuratorate
410001 Furong District
No.386 Ziweilu
People's Republic of China
Salutation: Dear Chief Procurator
WEN Jiabao Guojia Zongli
The State Council General Office
2 Fuyoujie, Xichengqu
Beijingshi 100017
People's Republic of China
Fax: +86 10 6596 1109
Salutation: Your Excellency
And copies to:
Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress
WU Bangguo
Quanguo Renda Changwu Weiyuanhui
Bangongting, 23 Xijiaominxiang
Xichengqu, Beijingshi 100805
People’s Republic of China�
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please insert local diplomatic addresses below:
Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Fax Fax number Email Email address Salutation Salutation
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. This is the first update of UA 191/12. Further information:


Zhu Chengzhi is one of the activists who have been subjected to enforced disappearance, arbitrarily detained, intimidated or harassed for publicly demanding an independent investigation into the death of veteran human rights activist Li Wangyang. On 6 June, Li Wangyang’s body was found in a hospital ward in Daxiang District People’s Hospital in Shaoyang city, where he had been receiving treatment for serious illnesses since his release from prison in May 2011. The local authorities have maintained that Li Wangyang’s death was a suicide, but his family and friends have questioned this. Following domestic and international outcry, on 15 June Hunan Province police announced a task force had been set up to investigate Li Wangyang’s death.
Early in the morning of 6 June, Li Wangyang's sister's husband, Zhao Baozhu, received a telephone call from the hospital saying that Li Wangyang had committed suicide in his ward. He and his wife, Li Wangling, went to the hospital immediately and found Li Wangyang’s dead body in his hospital room. The Shaoyang city authorities have maintained that Li Wangyang committed suicide by hanging himself, but others have disputed this. Photographs taken on 6 June at the hospital showed him positioned standing upright, staring out the window and with his neck tied to the window frame by a strip of cloth. These photographs also showed his feet firmly on the ground and his face showing no signs of suffocation. His relatives have questioned how an almost blind man, unable to walk without assistance could have managed to hang himself.
The police took the body away later on 6 June, though Li Wangyang’s family and relatives protested that it was unclear whether the authorities would allow an independent post-mortem investigation. An autopsy was carried out on 8 June, without Li Wangyang’s family or their lawyer being present. The authorities cremated the body the next day. On 22 June, it was reported that the autopsy report was completed. On 12 July, the authorities published their findings insisting that Li committed suicide; however, the general public remain unconvinced.
Li Wangyang, who was released from prison in May 2011, was a prominent figure in the labour rights movement who had been persecuted by the Chinese authorities for the past two decades. In 1989, he was involved in setting up an independent workers' organization, the Shaoyang Workers' Autonomous Federation, to demand better working conditions for mine workers and other labourers. The same year, he was sentenced to 13 years' imprisonment for his involvement in the 1989 pro-democracy movement. According to local sources, he was severely beaten by prison guards and held in solitary confinement. He was moved to a hospital in June 1996 to receive treatment but eight months later he was taken back to prison.
Li was released early in June 2000 because of his poor health. He began petitioning the authorities for compensation to cover the cost of medical treatment but in May 2001 he was rearrested after he went on hunger strike. He was given a 10-year sentence for “inciting subversion” and was finally freed in May 2011.
On 22 May 2012, Li gave an interview to a Hong Kong journalist where he spoke about the torture which had left him both blind and almost deaf and unable to move unaided. After this interview, the local authorities intensified their control, stationing more police at the hospital where Li Wangyang was staying.